HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis

Prioritizing Your Health as a Nurse with Chrissy Williams

In this week’s episode, my close friend, Chrissy Williams, shares ways that she has learned to prioritize her health while working as a Labor and Delivery nurse for the last nine years. She shares such helpful tips, especially for those working in the medical field.

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Hey friends! In this week’s episode, I get to interview one of my very best friends, Chrissy Williams. She shares her perspective of learning to prioritize her health while working as a Labor and Delivery nurse for the past nine years! Listen to the full episode below!


A few of the questions from this episode:

When we think of healthcare, we often just assume that our providers don’t struggle with the same health struggles that we do, but in reality, our doctors and nurses face a lot of the same obstacles we do, and due to their schedules, maybe even more with burn out, etc. Can you share a little about the common obstacles you and your coworkers have experienced? 

What are some of the ways you have been able to work around or overcome these obstacles? 

What advice would you give to a nurse that may be listening? Especially a brand new nurse just getting started in their career and wants to make sure they keep their health a priority? 

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HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition Alaina Davis

Prioritizing Your Health as a Young Professional

In today’s episode, my friend Kellie Shortridge shares how she prioritizes her health as a young healthcare professional. She shares practical, helpful tips that we can apply to our own health journeys.

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Hi friends! In today’s episode, my friend Kellie Shortridge shares how she prioritizes her health as a young healthcare professional. She shares practical, helpful tips that we can apply to our own health journeys. Listen to the full episode below.


Some questions from this episode:

As your friend, I know that you’ve been in the process of prioritizing your health over the last few years. What do you feel are some of the more beneficial changes you’ve made and what differences have you seen in your overall wellness? 

Being a young working professional in a health care setting what are some of the obstacles to living a healthy lifestyle that you’ve encountered? 

I think a lot of people that live by themselves often feel overwhelmed by the idea of meal planning and prep - especially when most recipes seem to be geared toward multiple servings. How have you navigated that for yourself? 

What advice do you have for others who may have similar situations as yourself and are wanting to improve their health, but really not sure where to start? 

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How Our Emotions Affect Our Physical Well-Being

In today’s episode, I want to talk to you for a few minutes about emotions and how they affect our bodies. I think we all recognize that our emotional health and our physical health are connected and one influences the other in theory; however, I’ve noticed that a lot of us fail to make the connection that choosing to ignore our emotions, or numb them instead of working through them can have a negative effect on our health.

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In today’s episode, I want to talk to you for a few minutes about emotions and how they affect our bodies. I think we all recognize that our emotional health and our physical health are connected and one influences the other in theory; however, I’ve noticed that a lot of us fail to make the connection that choosing to ignore our emotions, or numb them instead of working through them can have a negative effect on our health. Let’s talk about it! 


So we’ve all experienced some kind of physiological response to an emotion - butterflies in our stomach when we’re nervous, a flushed, hot face and a racing heart when we’re angry, fatigue and lack of motivation when we’re sad or grieving. It’s common sense that our emotions evoke a physical response in our bodies. So why is it that we’ve tricked ourselves into thinking that we can avoid dealing with deep emotions and stressors by distracting ourselves or numbing out, and it’s not going to negatively affect our health? Let me just be completely transparent and say that I’m just as guilty of doing this as anyone else. Even studying this and knowing what I know, it still seems daunting and sometimes scary to work through my own feelings and emotions at times. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it’s taught that different emotions are specifically connected to different organ systems in the body. For example, the liver is associated with anger and unforgiveness; the spleen/stomach is associated with overthinking and nervousness; the heart with agitation and over-excitement; the lungs are associated with grief and sadness; and the kidneys with fear. It’s important to note that emotions are not bad - they are good, they are natural and healthy. It’s when they become extreme or uncontrollable that they can indicate an underlying issue. Also, in TCM it’s believed that the connection of emotional health and physical health isn’t linear - it’s cyclical. This basically means that chronically unresolved, ignored, and stuffed-down emotions can cause dysfunction in our bodies and visa versa, unresolved dysfunction in our bodies can cause extreme, out of control emotions. 

I’m certainly not an expert on TCM and understand that some people can find it a little strange, but I do think there is a lot of insight that we can glean from it. As a Holistic Health Practitioner (and furthermore as a Christian), I absolutely believe that our bodies were created body, mind, and soul and that all of these areas of our lives have an effect on our level of health. As I’ve said many times before, when we consider “being healthy” we can’t just think about what we eat or if we exercise. It’s so much more! It’s every part of our lives - our relationships with other people and with God, our level of fulfillment and sense of purpose, different stressors from jobs or finances, our sleep patterns, etc. It’s looking at the whole person and their whole life. 

It reminds me of what we know to be true about the physical effects of chronic stress in the body. The overproduction of cortisol can lead to dysregulation of the HPA axis (adrenal system) and lead to chronic inflammation in the body. It makes a lot of sense to me that unresolved emotions, especially those caused by traumatic experiences, can have just as impactful of an effect on the body. 

I’ve actually observed this first-hand in some of the clients I’ve worked with. When they have had traumatic experiences in the past or even just deeply hurtful things happen to them and they think that they’ve moved on or just are afraid to go back and work through those emotions, it really slows down their progress and sometimes even blocks any progress they would have otherwise made. 

So here’s the bottom line of what I want you to take from this episode: Even if you’re “doing all the right things” - eating healthy foods, moving your body, getting good sleep, taking supplements, your drinking water, you’ve switched over to clean beauty products… all.the.things. but you haven’t dealt with the emotional stuff going on inside your head and heart, there’s a good chance you aren’t going to see the improvement you are hoping for. This is true for all of us - whether its anger or unforgiveness at a situation or person, maybe grief and sadness, or some kind of trauma we’ve experienced - we can’t just sweep it under the rug, shove it down, or numb it with food or other substances and then expect that our bodies won’t react. We have to deal with our emotions and feelings. We have to work through past hurts and especially traumas. We have to let go of things and not stuff them down or brush them off like they don’t matter. 

So how can we make sure we’re working through our emotions? 

I think self-reflection through journaling can be really helpful. Learning to sit still and spend some time being quiet, without noise in the background, can often lead to emotions and thoughts that need our attention coming to the surface. Journaling and praying through those things, releasing them to God, and then choosing to move forward can sometimes be enough to release those pent up emotions. 

In addition,  we also often need to also reach out for help - especially when the hurt is deep or traumatic. I am a huge proponent of counseling and think that everyone can benefit from it. There is just something about an outside perspective and unbiased listener that can be so helpful. Licensed counselors are trained to know exactly how to lead us through the process of dealing with our emotions and experiences. 

I’ve also read that acupuncture can be helpful for releasing pent-up emotions and improving organ-system function. Deep breathing, prayer, and meditation are all helpful practices as well. 

I think one of the most important, first steps for us is to just allow ourselves to feel and be aware of the emotions we’re experiencing. Don’t be afraid to feel or try to distract yourself from feeling. Deal with what’s going on, give yourself time and space to reflect on why you feel the way you do and then go from there. There isn’t an exact formula for this - it’s different for everyone and every situation. The important thing is is that you don’t ignore it. That you recognize that your emotions are a gift and they communicate something to your body. God created you as a whole person and we can’t separate our bodies from our minds and emotions.

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How Adrenal Health Can Affect Your Whole Body with Reed Davis, FDN

In this episode, Reed Davis, Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT) and founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN), teaches us about adrenal health and how the function of our adrenal glands affects the rest of our overall health. He also shares how making small lifestyle changes can help reverse symptoms like chronic fatigue, low energy, brain fog, excess weight gain, and hormonal imbalance.

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Hi friends! In this week’s episode,  I had the opportunity to interview Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT) and founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN), Reed Davis. As a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Reed is an expert in functional lab testing and holistic lifestyle medicine. 


In this episode, he teaches us about adrenal health and how the function of our adrenal glands affects the rest of our overall health. He also shares common lifestyle factors that may negatively affect adrenal health as well as the entire endocrine system. In addition, Reed shares how making changes to those exact same lifestyle factors can help reverse symptoms like chronic fatigue, low energy, brain fog, excess weight gain, and hormonal imbalance (sound familiar?).

You can find more information about Reed and the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition training program that he designed for health coaches by visiting functionaldiagnosticnutrition.com.

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Creating a Healthy Foundation for our Kids

In today’s episode, I want to talk to you about something that is on my mind a lot as a parent - creating a foundation of health for our kids. Children learn from what they see us do and the culture of our homes, so I wanted to share with you some ways that we can help set them up for good health as well as a good relationship with food and their bodies in the future.

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Hi friends! Today I want to talk to you about something that is on my mind a lot as a parent, and that is creating a foundation of health for our kids. Children learn from what they see us do and the culture of our homes, so I wanted to share with you some ways that we can help set them up for good health as well as a good relationship with food and their bodies in the future. 


As I’ve already alluded to, this really starts with us! Kids really do default to doing what they see their parents or those in their homes do - so we first need to evaluate what we are modeling for them.

A few ideas:

  • Let them see you make healthy choices. 

  • Let them hear and see you taking care of your body 

  • Let them hear you being appreciative of your body rather than critical

If you are feeling super uncomfortable right now because you know you haven’t been doing those things - that’s okay! It’s never too late to start making these changes and let your kids be a part of that. If they are old enough to understand, you can even give them a head’s up that you are going to be doing some things differently because you want to take good care of your body and be thankful for all that it does for you. Then let them watch you as you then follow through on what you’ve told them. It will teach them so much just by getting to see you start to make changes. *Just a reminder though - this needs to be through a very positive lens and from a place of appreciation for your body and not punishment of yourself. Nothing about how we engage in “healthy” habits or the language that we use should convey that our kids aren’t healthy or “good” if they don’t eat veggies, exercise, etc.  

In addition to setting an example and encouraging a healthy mindset, there are some healthy habits that you can start reinforcing in your kids very early on from infant/toddler age, again by modeling yourself and then encouraging in them as well. 

Some ideas:

  • Drinking water throughout the day

    Try giving their milk, etc. with meals and then water in-between meal times. the more you offer them water, the more normal it will become. Consistency is key!

  • Division of responsibility at family meals

    This theory for feeding states that it’s the parent’s responsibility to provide food and decide what food is served and it the child’s responsibility to decide how much of that food she will eat. For more about this theory, as well as one of my favorite methods for helping kids with healthy eating habits, check out Ashley’s “Love It, Like It, Learn It” method on her website veggiesandvirtues.com as well as on her Instagram account.

  • Include your kids in your workouts and/or have active family time

    Whether it’s a family walk or dance party after dinner, letting your kids tag along for your jog, or a family workout in the living room, kids love to be active.

  • Help them learn to deal with stress and anxiety

    We know how difficult this can be even as adults, so it’s important to give our children tools to help manage their anxiety and worries from a young age. One of my favorite resources for this is Sissy Goff, a child, and adolescent counselor. She offers tons of great tips and resources on her Instagram account as well as her website raisingboysandgirls.com

  • Set healthy sleep practices

    Set them up for good sleep by doing simple things like ending screen time at least an hour before bed; avoiding any scary books or shows right before bed; getting them to bed on time; ensuring that their room is cool and dark and optimized for sleeping. It can also be helpful to have a conversation with them about why sleeping is so important to our health and makes a big impact on how we feel the next day.

  • Don’t be overly restrictive with food

    Research shows that being overly restrictive on how much or what kinds of foods children can eat can often lead to an unhealthy relationship with food in adulthood - at times in the form of food addictions and eating disorders. One way to avoid having to restrict or say “no” all day is to only have foods in your home that you are okay with them eating regularly.

  • Help your kids have a healthy mindset about food

    Help your kids understand how food fuels our bodies, how to listen to their bodies (hungry vs full, happy tummies vs sad tummies, etc.) Take them with you to the Farmer’s Market or try growing your own veggies in the backyard to help them understand where food comes from. Just let them in on the process!

  • Get your kiddos involved with meal times

    Let them help you chop veggies or stir ingredients together. Commission them to set the table or fill the drinking glasses with water. It’s amazing how much more open kids are to new foods when they’ve been involved in preparing them.

Reminder: It is incredibly damaging to children if they are shamed for eating too much or too little of something or if their weight or bodies are scrutinized or criticized. Do NOT do that! They shouldn’t be the least bit concerned with what they weigh, size of their clothes, or the way their body moves or performs. If you are seeing that in them, please intervene and that may start by evaluating how you approach your own body. If you feel that your child needs some help from a professional counselor or therapist, please provide that for them while they are still young.

Remember they are listening to you and watching everything you do - so please be intentional with this. Be gracious with yourself and with them - it goes a long way.

I hope this episode has been helpful for you and given you a few ideas of ways to create healthy foundations for your kiddos and maybe even yourself! If you have any specific questions, leave them in the comments on this post or you can send me a DM on Instagram.

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What It's Like to Experience Infertility

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week and in this week’s episode, I had the opportunity to interview three of my sweet friends who graciously agreed to share their infertility journeys with you. We talk about what it’s like to experience infertility as well as things that have helped us along our journeys and things that have made it more difficult.

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Welcome back, friends! This week is National Infertility Awareness Week and in this week’s episode, I had the opportunity to interview three of my sweet friends who graciously agreed to share their infertility journeys with you. We talk about what it’s like to experience infertility as well as things that have helped us along our journeys and things that have made it more difficult. 


I know that I can speak for all of us and say that we hope that this episode will help you understand a little more about what experiencing infertility is like and if you are currently walking this very difficult road, we pray that you know that you are not alone. If you know someone who is struggling with infertility, please reach out to them today. Send them a text or drop off some coffee or flowers on their porch - just do something to let them know that you see them, you love them and are there to support them however they need you to. Share this podcast with them as well! 

Click the link below to listen to the full episode!

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Staying Sane and Finding Joy During Quarantine

In today’s episode, I’m sharing some of my favorite ways that we can stay sane and choose joy during this time. 

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Hi friends! I hope you are doing well wherever you are. We are still in the middle of the COVID_19 crisis and in week 4 of staying at home. I both can’t believe it’s already been four weeks and also feel like it’s been four months since life felt normal. I know for many of us the novelty and newness of this new way of life has worn off and we might be feeling like we’re going to go crazy if things don’t change soon, so on that note, I wanted to talk to you today about ways that we can stay sane and choose joy during this time. 

Here are a few of the things that I’ve been trying to incorporate into my new normal almost every day:

  • Getting outdoors 

  • Listening to uplifting music (some of my current favorites: Renew Your Mind, Remind Your Soul playlist, Spring Favs playlist, Ellie Holcomb’s Sing Albums - Creation Songs and Remembering Songs for kiddos)

  • Doing a lot of laughing listening to funny podcasts and Insta-stories (current favs - That Sounds Fun podcast by Annie Downs and The Made Up Morning Show on Jess Connolly’s Instagram account) 

  • Making sure I’m getting enough exercise and sleep 

  • Making myself drink more water (not coffee all day) 

  • Doing a few things to make the weekend feel different 

I reached out to my followers on Instagram and asked what has been helping them. Here are a few other ideas that they had: 

  • Daily walks 

  • Listening to uplifting or encouraging podcasts

  • Getting dressed every day

  • Being intentional with their time/making to-do lists 

  • Limiting tv and screen time

  • Only checking in on the news 1-2 times per day

  • Following a loose schedule for the day 

This season is going to look different for all of us. For some of us, we have tons of time on our hands right now and this could be a perfect opportunity to start something new or take on a project you’ve been putting off. For others of us, life has become extremely full and hectic juggling working from home, caring for kids, cooking multiple meals a day - and it’s probably not the time to start something new. No matter the exact details of our situation, the truth is that all of us will benefit from intentional adding activities or rhythms into our day-to-day that will keep us centered on the right things, help us stay sane, and help us feel the joy that can be found, even in this hard season. 

I hope that this episode has encouraged you to choose some of these ideas to implement into your own life. Hang in there, friends - we will get through this! 

For more healthy living encouragement, mixed with some very real-life moments, follow me on Instagram.

Have a great rest of your day friends! Talk soon!

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How Acupuncture Can Help with Endometriosis

In this episode, Reproductive Acupuncturist, Sarah Prater, shares how acupuncture can benefit the body, specifically when dealing with hormonal conditions like Endometriosis and Infertility.

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Hey friends! In this week’s episode, I am interviewing my personal acupuncturist, Sarah Prater. She is a Reproductive Acupuncturist and has been specializing in infertility since 2012 and started the TN Center for Reproductive Acupuncture in 2016. 

Acupuncture was a huge part of my journey with endometriosis and infertility, so I asked Sarah to share with you how acupuncture can benefit our overall health and specifically help with these hormonal conditions. 

Find out more about the TN Center for Reproductive Acupuncture by following them on Instagram and Facebook. Click here to schedule an appointment with Sarah! 


What is acupuncture and how does acupuncture help to improve overall health? (05:00)

How can acupuncture be beneficial specifically for someone with Endometriosis? (07:00)

What does a typical treatment protocol for someone with Endometriosis look like? (10:00)

Is an acupuncture treatment plan something that you recommend in conjunction with other types of treatment or lifestyle changes? (15:20)

Are there any tips or resources that you suggest women with Endometriosis follow at home? (24:10)

Where can people find out more about you or schedule an appointment with you? (24:30)

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028 - Should You Be Counting Calories?

In this week’s episode, we are talking about counting calories and why I believe there is a better way to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

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Hey friends! In today’s episode, we’re talking about calorie counting. I feel like calorie counting used to be the gold standard of nutrition when it came to weight loss. Even when I first started getting into the nutrition world, which has only been about ten years ago, that was still one of the main methods taught. There was just such an emphasis put on quantity - like it was a simple math problem: “You want to lose weight? Simple! Eat fewer calories than you burn!” Thankfully, since that time, so much research has been done and so many people have spoken up about the fact that there has to be more to it, or otherwise it would work for everyone every time. 

Now, I’m not going to go so far as to say you should never track a calorie or have any idea how many calories you burn on a regular day, but I don’t believe that counting or tracking calories needs to be your primary focus and I want to share why I believe that.

The main reason… it’s distracting!

Most of us have some level of dysfunction in our bodies due to our lifestyles and common exposure to toxins and focusing on calorie counting alone can distract us from noticing what is really going on in our bodies. 

Focusing on calorie counting alone can also distract us from focusing on the quality of the food we are eating and cause us to only focus on the quantity. 

The calorie counting method can also be harmful to those who have a history of eating disorders and food addiction. Even for those of us who haven’t shared in those struggles, it is easy to become obsessive and overly rigid about what foods you eat - even to the point where you can’t enjoy food any longer (this is a symptom of Orthorexia which is an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy).

One of my biggest concerns with the calorie counting method is that it distracts you from learning how to listen to your body. It is so easy to become solely focused on this number of calories we are “allowed” a day and logging every single thing that we do in order to stay in the good graces of this “health math equation”. Unfortunately, what often happens is that we lose out on noticing how eating a certain food makes us feel - how it affects our energy levels, our mood, our digestive system. We see that it meets our calorie count standard and deem it “healthy” or good for us with very little thought of how it actually affected us.

I want you to know that there are healthier ways to lose weight and there are tons of methods out there! Just make sure the one you are choosing actually TEACHES you how to care for your body, listen to your body, fuel your body well, and why it matters. 

Just a side note: I am not naive to the fact that sometimes choosing these methods is slower and more work - they can be - but here’s what I’ve found to be true: when someone is unhappy with their bodies or how their bodies are functioning and all they focus on is weight and numbers and physical appearance results - they often miss all there is to learn and heal along the journey. A lot of times they end up right back where they started, or maybe even less happy with themselves because they didn’t really fix the root issues - the physical ones or the emotional ones. Weight gain or difficulty losing weight is so often a symptom, not the root cause. So find out why things aren’t functioning well or why you are unhappy with your health and then work on that. Don’t miss what’s really going on looking for a quick fix or by trying to ignore the root issues. It will be work but the work is worth it! 

As always, if you have questions or are ready to take the next step in getting personalized support and guidance to move your health forward, feel free to send me an email or schedule a free 30-min consultation call. I’d love to help you! 

Talk to ya next week!

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027 - The Secret to Healthy Skin Starts from Within

In today’s episode, I am sharing some helpful knowledge about what your skin issues may be trying to tell you, as well as simple things you can do to keep it looking and feeling healthy!

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Welcome back, friends!  Today we are talking about healthy skin! We all deal with skin issues from time to time but for some of us it’s a major source of frustration that can really mess with our confidence and self-esteem. Especially when we can’t seem to get to the bottom of it no matter what we do! 

Well, today’s post won’t answer all your skin health-related questions, but hopefully, it will give you some helpful knowledge about what your skin may be trying to tell you and how you can help keep it looking and feeling healthy! Let’s get into it! 

It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that healthy skin starts from within our bodies. We tend to want to focus on products and things we can put on our skin from the outside - and we will get into that a little later - but really, we need to start by focusing on what we put into our bodies and what is going on with the function of the inside of our bodies first. That’s where the big difference is made. 

So often when we experience one of these skin issues, or maybe even cyclical hormonal breakouts, we tend to jump to what we can take or apply that might fix the problem. We think of it as only going skin-deep, so to speak. But really it’s likely giving you a clue of some other dysfunction or imbalance in the body. 

Our skin is our largest organ, one of our strongest defenses, and it’s also one of our few detox pathways - so it has a lot of functions that affect our whole bodies and visa versa.

There seem to be three main dysfunctions in the body that tend to show up in the skin. 

An overloaded, congested liver - which can often result in acne; poor gut health, either an imbalance in the microbiome or leaky gut syndrome - which can also result in both acne and eczema, as well as cause plenty of other health issues. And the other is blood sugar dysregulation or chronically high insulin levels - which leads to high levels of inflammation in the body and can show up as skin issues like cyclical breakouts, acne, etc. This will often be associated with other hormonal imbalance symptoms as well, maybe even PCOS. 

There can definitely be other causes as well but those are the three that are most common. So if you are dealing with any those issues, it’s worth it to take a look at your liver health,  as well as your gut health and make sure your glucose and insulin levels are where they should be as well. 

So now that we’ve talked about some common causes let’s talk about what you can do to help with these issues! 

Focus on what you are eating 

The first thing is to focus on what you are eating. The common thread in a lot of these skin issues is inflammation, so choosing to remove inflammatory foods (processed foods, sugar, refined grains, oftentimes dairy) will help and then also following an anti-inflammatory diet. This is going to look like a lot of plants - veggies and fruits high in antioxidants and fiber (think leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, blueberries, acerola cherries, strawberries), healthy fats (like avocados, coconut products, nuts like almonds and cashews, olive oil) and then clean, organic proteins (like wild-caught fish, grass-fed beef, lentils, and beans, etc). 

Make sure you are well hydrated

Also drinking a LOT of water. Like a lot. Your gut and liver depend on you doing this in order to function well. This is key in helping to flush toxins from your body, as well as adding the hydration needed for the skin. Remember, your goal is half your body weight in ounces every day (weight in lbs.  / 2 = # of ounces you need to drink daily)

Take skin-loving supplements to boost your nutrient levels

Adding in key supplements like collagen (either in bone broth which is healing for your whole body or through a protein powder, like collagen peptides). Collagen is one of the main proteins in our bodies - it helps make up our skin, hair, nails, joints, gut lining, etc. so it’s important that we have enough! Also anti-inflammatory supplements like fish oil / omega-3 and curcumin (found in turmeric) can help lower overall inflammation in the body. Also, adrenal healing herbs like ashwagandha and ginseng can also help to help regulate cortisol in the body, which will help with the inflammation as well. And then, of course, you know that I’m all about getting good probiotics in - whether through fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir or through a supplement, like a soil-based probiotics, or one of my current favs MaryRuth Organics Raw Liquid probiotics

Live an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

In addition to eating an anti-inflammatory diet, the other thing that will help is also living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. This means getting good, restorative sleep (7-9 hours every night - this is when your body rebuilds and repairs) and also lowering your emotional stress (this has a huge effect on your gut health and adrenal health), so try to find ways to actively pursue peace in your life.

The other side to having healthy skin is obviously going to be what you put on it and what you expose it to.

Use clean skincare products 

Did you know that your skin has a microbiome, or ecosystem of bacteria, just like your gut? We need to be careful that what we are applying to our skin, to clean or moisturize isn’t something that will strip the skin or kill the food bacteria. Also, make sure that it isn’t full of parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances that contain who knows what kind of chemicals. Not only are those things damaging to our skin but they also absorb into our bloodstreams and only create more problems for our livers and gut, creating more inflammation. 

Look for products that are made of ingredients that you recognize, that are naturally sourced, and if you want fragrance, use natural sources for that too, like essential oils. 

You can use the Think Dirty or EWG apps to search for products that are safe for your whole body. I know that Beautycounter and Primally Pure are both really safe, clean options. I’ve also heard some great things about Honest Beauty brand, and Acure, although I haven’t used those myself. Even my girl, MaryRuth has a few facial masks and other skincare products you can check out. 

The good news is that most common skin-issues can be resolved! You may need to do a little digging into what is actually causing it and what may not be functioning well in your body - but that will only help to make you healthier overall, not just help your skin! It’s a much better option than just trying to treat symptoms and cover things up! 

If you have any questions about today’s episode or feel like you need some specific, personalized help - please reach out. I’d love to help you! 

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HF Podcast, Coaching, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Coaching, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis

026 - Ask Alaina: Q+A

In this week’s podcast episode, I’m answering your healthy living questions in a fun Q+A format! We talk about tips for eating healthy during a busy workday, whether Intermittent Fasting is healthy or not, and much more!

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Hey friends! Today we are doing something fun and a little different - we are doing a Q+A episode! A while back I asked you guys if you had any questions or needed help with anything in particular and I’ve compiled all those questions + a few others that I’ve been asked a lot and thought it would be fun to answer them all in one episode. If you guys like this format and it’s helpful for you, we may make this a regular thing!

So let’s jump right into the questions!

“How can I be motivated to cook healthy at home when I’m not a good cook?”

I think cooking can be intimidating. Whether you grew up in a family where your parent was a really good cook, so you just feel like you can never live up to that measure or maybe you were never really taught how to cook, so you feel like you have no idea where to begin. The good news is that cooking is a skill - it’s not really a natural-born talent. So if you are labeling yourself as “just not a good cook”... add a “yet” to the end of that sentence. It takes practice to feel comfortable in the kitchen. 

As far as how to feel motivated? I think it’s mostly a mindset of acknowledging that cooking your meals at home truly is the healthiest, most cost-effective, and loving way to eat. In cooking for yourself and your family, you are providing care and love. There is just something really rewarding about that. 

My suggestion would be to not bite off more than you can chew as you start out. Begin with 2-3 really simple, healthy meal ideas and get familiar with making those recipes until you feel more comfortable. Then you can slowly add new things in. Something like the sausage + sautéed veggies recipe in my Easy Healthy Eats recipe guide is a perfect example of this. It calls for very few ingredients and can all be made in one skillet. Win-win!

“What are some tips for handling social eating when it’s mostly junk-type foods and sugar?”

This can be so challenging! I think that it helps to find a balance in these situations. Unless you are following a short-term elimination diet, then I would recommend choosing which of the less-than-nutritious options look the best to you - which of those may be worth any negative side-effects you may experience and then making a conscious choice to enjoy them. 

Often when we find ourselves struggling or dealing with regret later, it’s because we just flippantly or impulsively ate rather than thinking about it and then making an intentional choice. Denying yourself and putting extreme limits on what you eat is rarely beneficial, but throwing all cares to the wind or thinking that if you have one bite, you might as well have 20 bites is also not a good thing. Just look for some balance and opt-out of the extremes. 

“How can I find time to eat a healthy lunch in the middle of a busy workday?”

This is going to look different for you depending on your job and workday structure, but first, let me just remind you that what and how we eat is a form of self-care. So, working through lunch or always defaulting to the drive-thru will not only have a negative effect on your body’s ability to function, but it will also have a negative effect on your mental health. 

As far as planning for a healthy lunch, I think that meal prep is key if your situation allows for it. Whether it’s left-overs from dinner the night before or a protein-packed salad or bowl - taking a few minutes the night before or at the beginning of the to prepare will go a long way in helping you feel like you have healthy options. You want to be sure that whatever you are choosing to eat consists of carbohydrates - high in fiber, clean protein, and healthy fat in order to keep your blood sugar balanced and help prevent the mid-afternoon crash. It’s a great idea to keep some nuts (my favorite is salted cashews) in your car or at your desk, just in case your lunch choice doesn’t contain enough protein or fat. Eating a couple of handfuls of cashews can give you that extra boost to keep everything stabilized. Just make sure that isn’t all you are eating. 

“What is the deal with Intermittent Fasting? Healthy or no?”

So, Intermittent Fasting is something that people have been doing for a long time to give their digestive system a break and to promote healing in the body. It has recently become more trendy again, but the idea isn’t new. I mean, if you think about it, we are already designed to do this to some degree throughout the night when we are sleeping. Some of the issues that we have run into in the standard American diet are that we stay up way too late and eat way too late. Ideally, we would all have around a 10-12 hour fast between our last meal of the day and breakfast the next morning. Our digestive systems really need that break, in order to work well.   Also eating too late can really interrupt our sleep patterns.  

The current trend of IF is more like 12-16 hours with most of those being overnight (there are some other methods that I’ve seen but I’m really not comfortable with any of those - particularly skipping entire meals or days of eating unless for a very specific purpose and very short term).  I personally feel that IF can be helpful when done correctly, however, I don’t believe it is the best idea for everyone. People with blood sugar issues, for example, can benefit from a smaller fasting window overnight, but I am personally not comfortable with skipping meals - and the same for those with hormonal imbalance. I think that it’s smart to talk to your doctor before trying IF and if you have a specific health issue, also talking with your specialist to hear their concerns. 

Ultimately, we want our bodies to be in a calm, relaxed state the majority of the time - not wondering when we will eat again. When our meals become very inconsistent, it can push our bodies into more stress - a fight or flight response - and that can cause a lot of dysfunction in the body, especially the metabolic system. 

“If you could change one thing about people’s understanding of their health, what would it be?” 

This is such a good question and honestly, it was hard for me to choose just one thing. But I think that I would want them to know that they can actually make a difference in their health. They can change. Things can improve. 

I think it’s so easy to get into a mindset, especially after we’ve received any kind of medical diagnosis, that this just is what it is, that there are no alternatives, and that they are powerless to affect the situation. And unfortunately, that kind of mindset often cements our reality. We don’t really try to change or improve because we honestly believe that we can’t - but that just simply is not true. 

Our bodies were created to heal, to function, to parts to even regenerate. Our decisions - what we put in our bodies, how we care for them - it makes a difference for the better or for the worse. I just want people to feel hope and not feel stuck. If you want to improve your health, you can. 

Well, this has been so fun! If you have any questions you would like for me to answer, leave them in the comments here or send me a DM on Instagram. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your week and I’ll see you next time!

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HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis

025 - How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle on a Budget

In this week’s episode, I’m sharing a few tips that have helped my family navigate living a healthy lifestyle on a budget.

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Hi friends! Today we are talking about how to live a healthy lifestyle on a budget. 

One of the most common arguments for not eating healthy foods or living a healthier lifestyle is that it is too expensive. While it is true that some healthier food options cleaner household products can be more expensive, there are ways to mitigate that expense and stay within what your budget will allow. 

Today I want to share a few tips that have helped my family as we’ve been on a journey toward a healthy lifestyle. 

Choose your priority 

It’s helpful to go into the idea of a healthy lifestyle knowing whether you prioritize expense or convenience more. There’s not a wrong answer here but just know that it’s rare to find a healthy, inexpensive AND convenient option. It’s best to just know ahead of time which of these is a priority for you and then adjust your budget or time accordingly. 

Eat most of your meals at home

I think most of us know that cooking our own food and eating in the comfort of our homes with the people we love is a healthier option, but it is also usually the less expensive option. It does take some planning and effort though. Here are a few ideas to make it a bit easier:

    • Always have a meal plan and make a shopping list 

I do way better when I have made a plan, otherwise, I am likely to get distracted by a “deal” or new product and overspend. If you find yourself in the same boat, download my free meal planning guide and meal plan + grocery list template to help keep yourself on track! 

    • Shop at multiple grocery stores

While definitely not a convenient option, I have found that I save a good amount of money on groceries each month by shopping at two different stores - for me, it’s Trader Joe’s for most of my produce, meat, and pantry staples and then Kroger pick-up for most of my household items plus a few items that Trader Joe’s doesn’t carry.  

    • Stick to buying whole foods

A good way to remember what “whole foods” means is to think of foods that come from the ground or have a mother. These are mostly found in the perimeter of the grocery store and don’t come with an ingredients label - think kale or ground beef. By choosing mostly whole foods, you will be skipping a lot of the pre-packaged and more processed foods which will not only be helpful for your health but also your budget.

    • Prep your meals ahead of time

Whether it’s all your meals for the week, just a few dinners for busier weeknights, or prepping some staple breakfast items, taking this time to prepare ahead of time will save you both time and money - and likely keep you from going through the drive-thru after a long day! Find my episode all about Meal Prepping here for some tips to get you started. 

    • Use simple ingredients and make things from scratch

Okay - this one may not be as popular BUT hear me out! :) One way that we have been able to save money is by buying individual ingredients for things that I will use multiple times. For example, I buy individual seasonings rather than a packet of seasoning mix for things like taco seasoning, chili powder, ranch, etc. A lot of these packets use similar spices, so I can buy them once and then use them multiple times. They usually last a while and this gives me more control over exactly what I’m using to season our food.

Choose household and personal care products that have multiple uses 

This is similar to the point above, but specifically for household products, something like white vinegar can be used for a clean, safe fabric softener, multi-purpose cleaning spray, produce soak, an ingredient in recipes, etc. Another example is jojoba oil. It can be used as an oil cleanser and makeup remover, moisturizer for your face and body, carrier oil for essential oil rollers, a deep conditioner and probably more. We don’t necessarily need a separate cleaner or product for every room in the house or every part of our bodies.

Share meals and drink water when dining out

This is a very basic idea but also a great way to lower expenses. Eating at healthier restaurants or choosing healthier options can add up quickly, so choosing to share a meal can not only help reduce the cost but may also help with healthier portions. 

Skip the trends and stick to the basics

It’s easy to get swept up in the latest health trend or diet program, but when you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle within a limited budget, this probably isn’t the best idea. For example, things like diet programs that require you to buy a lot of products or have indefinite monthly fees can take a chunk out of your budget. Also, if your funds designated to health and wellness are tight, gym memberships may not be the best use of your money. You can get a great, effective workout for very little cost or maybe even free at home! Obviously, this isn’t the best choice for everyone, so consider your personal situation, but it’s something to think about!

Check with your insurance provider for free resources or discounts 

A lot of health insurance companies are offering free health coaching consultations or discounts on fitness classes and products. If this isn’t an option for you, check with your community center or local churches to see if they have free or low-cost classes available. There are also tons of free resources like this podcast, many other health-related podcasts, and social media accounts that can help you get started in the right direction. 

Friends, living costs money. The choice is do you want to prioritize your health and spend the money now, while enjoying a better quality of life, or do you want to wait to focus on your health when you don’t have as much choice and possibly a less optimal quality of life?

I hope that this episode has given you a few ideas of ways that you can continue living a healthy lifestyle without busting the budget. If you still feel paralyzed or just aren’t sure where to start, send me an email or DM - I’d love to chat with you. I offer a free 30-min consultation or discovery call where we can get to know each other and determine what your next steps should be. Sometimes one of the most cost-effective things you can do is hire a professional that will take a lot of the guess-work out of improving your health and can guide and support you along the way.

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HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle, Coaching Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle, Coaching Alaina Davis

023 - 2020 Is Coming! How to Set Smart, Healthy, and Meaningful Goals for the New Year!

In this week’s episode, I am continuing with the goal-setting theme by sharing how to smart, healthy, and meaningful goals for the new year (and a new decade)!

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Hi friends! Can you believe this year is almost over?! It’s winding down so quickly and I just wanted to take a minute and thank each one of you who have joined me here, and listened and subscribed! Starting this podcast was definitely one of the bigger and scarier (haha) things I did this last year, and the past few months of sharing with you each week have been so fun. I’m excited to share more with you next year! 

Speaking of next year, we’ve been focusing on goal planning and getting our mindsets in a healthy place for 2020, and we are continuing with that theme for today’s episode by talking about how to set smart and healthy goals for next year. 

When we think about setting goals for a new year or making New Year's resolutions, we often think big picture, end result goals — and I absolutely think we should start there! 

Focus on the Big Picture 

Lara Casey is the founder and CEO of Cultivate, a company best known for its PowerSheets and goal setting and planning resources. She is brilliant at all things future planning/goal setting and she says that you should start the goal-setting process by thinking about what you want your life to be like when you are 80 years old. What do you want to be doing? What will your priorities be? 

Do you see yourself pouring your time and money into your kids, grandkids, or maybe great-grandkids? Do you want to be able to get outside and play with them, teach them things, and pass down family legacies? Do you want to be well-traveled with tons of stories pictures share with your friends? Do you want to give your time and money to ministry after you retire or start a non-profit? 

Give yourself some space to really think about this and then make sure any goals you are setting will move you closer to this end goal. This becomes your why and will help keep you motivated when you feel like forgetting about the goals you have set. 

Set SMART Goals

The next step in setting goals is to make sure that they are actually achievable - and someone out there, who is way smarter than me, made up an acronym for the word “SMART” to use as a tool for realistic goal setting. 

Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Relevant - Time-Bound 

So let me give you an example of how to use this framework: let’s say your overall, big-picture goal for next year is to feel well enough to be active with your family. Putting that into the SMART goals framework may look like this...

Specific - Your family is running a 5k in the spring and you want to join them. 

Measurable - You will move your body by walking/jogging for 30 minutes 4 x per week. You will stretch for 10 minutes every night before bed and increase your water intake every day to help prevent injuries.

Achievable - You know that you only have 2 hrs a week to devote to exercise, so you’ve chosen to make exercise fit into that amount of time (30 minutes, 4x per week). 

Relevant - Moving your body regularly, along with the increased hydration, will improve your overall health and help you feel better, which is relevant to your overall goal.  

Time-bound - You will need to be able to walk/jog 3.2 miles by April. As you progress and build more endurance, you will work to increase your mileage with each walk/jog while staying in your time allowance. 

So from this example, instead of walking away with the goal of “I’m going to be active” or “I’m going to do a 5k”, you walk away with action steps that will specifically help you to do that and allow you to feel the “win” along the way. You also start out with a goal that will keep you committed as you envision participating in the 5k with your family! 

From this framework, you can use your calendar to actually schedule your daily and weekly intentions and action steps. When you put something into your calendar or on your schedule, it really increases the likelihood that you will stick to it and follow through. 

Own Your Goals - Be Accountable to Someone

My last tip on this subject is to share your goals and weekly action steps with someone who will hold you accountable. Someone who you know will check-in and ask if you have followed through and not just easily let you off the hook. Even better is to ask them to join you if that is something that would be good for both of you! This exponentially increases your chances of success! 

I hope that these tips will help you to set SMART and healthy goals for the new year!

For more support and resources, find Lara Casey’s Goal Setting blog series here.

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020 - A Few of My Favorite Tips for Supporting Your Immune System

In today’s episode, I am sharing a few of my favorite ways to support our immune systems. It’s already cold and flu season, and while there is no way to 100% prevent illness, there are a few simple things that we can do to support our body’s own defenses to hopefully reduce the chance of getting sick as well as lessen the duration and severity of any sickness we do get.

Hey, hey friends! Today we are going to be talking about ways to support our immune systems! 

We are now in that time of year where colds and flu germs are everywhere and it seems like most everyone has a sniffle or cough. Our family has already been hit with sickness this season, which is really what inspired me to talk about this today! There is no way to 100% guarantee that we won’t get sick, but there are a few simple things that we can do to support our bodies own defenses to hopefully reduce the chance of getting sick and then to help lessen the duration and severity of the illness when we do get it. 

Wash your hands

This one is rather obvious, but honestly, we overlook it a lot! I used to work in a hospital and one of the things that would measure is hand-washing practices and you would be appalled at how low that score was sometimes. We just get in a hurry and don’t think about all the surfaces we are touching before we eat a snack or touch our mouth and nose. 

Also, just a side-note here but studies have shown that using regular soap and water is just as effective at removing germs as using anti-bacterial soaps, and has the added benefit of not killing the good bacteria on your skin. Also, be careful of some of the hand-sanitizers out there. A lot of them contain harmful, endocrine system disrupting ingredients. I have a few favorites that don’t have any harmful ingredients because sometimes you don’t have access to soap and water, and need a hand sanitizer.

These are great options: Dr. Bonner’s Hand Sanitizing Spray, Honest Co Hand Sanitizing Spray, Branch Basics Mini Foaming Wash

Take a quality multivitamin

It’s common for us to have some nutrient gaps this time of year. Most of us find ourselves gravitating towards warmer, more comforting type foods rather than things like salads and fruits. And while we do need to make sure we are getting most of our nutrients from our food, it’s not a bad idea to add a quality multivitamin in as well to help your body function well!

Here are a few of my favorites: Mary Ruth Organics Liquid Multivitamin, Mary Ruth Organics Kids Multivitamin Gummies, Ancient Nutrition Immune Support Multivitamin, MegaFood Multivitamin for Women, MegaFood Multivitamin for Men

Take immune-boosting supplements

In addition to a multivitamin, there are other nutrients you can take to give your immune system a little extra boost. 

  • Elderberry syrup is a powerhouse supplement! It has been shown to not only help defend your body against illness but also help your body heal more quickly when you do get sick. There are several great brands of syrup and gummies out there or you can make your own. Follow the recommended dosage daily for prevention and then increase your dosage accordingly during times of sickness.

A few great brands are: Mary Ruth’s Elderberry Syrup, Sambucol Elderberry Syrup, Sambucol Elderberry Gummies

  • Vitamin D is so vital to good overall health, not just the immune system. If you are deficient (get tested), you may need to take a vitamin D supplement in addition to your multivitamin. If you live in a warmer climate, the best way to increase your levels is with sun exposure. Just be sure to use an app like D-minder to make sure you are doing so safely! Also, be sure to consult with your physician to have your levels tested before taking high dosages of Vitamin D.

Some great options: Klaire Labs Vitamin D3, Seeking Health Vitamin D, Seeking Health Liquid Vitamin D

  • Vitamin C is commonly known for its immune-boosting properties. Also called ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate (cut with baking soda to be less tart) can be taken daily during cold and flu season for prevention and also taken at an increased dosage during times of illness to shorten duration and severity. The dosage amounts here are dependent on the person, so start with the recommended dosage on the package and then you can increase a tiny amount until you reach your personal tolerance level (you will know because your tummy will start gurgling).

  • Zinc is a mineral that a lot of people are deficient in. It is very beneficial to the body in that it supports the immune system, acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps promote growth and repair. 

  • Probiotics are so important for good gut health, which in turn promotes good overall health! If you remember, most of the cells that make up your immune system are housed in your gut - so poor gut health = poor immune health! 

This one by Mary Ruth’s is my current favorite: Mary Ruth Organics Liquid Probiotic

*If this feels like a really overwhelming list, there are great supplements out there that have a combo of most of these ingredients. This one by Mary Ruth’s is my favorite!

Home Remedies

  • Detox baths* are a favorite of mine and they help with many things like relaxation and better sleep, but most importantly, they help your body detox! And when you are sick, your body can use some support on getting those toxins out! Soaking in a detox bath for 20+ minutes can help promote healing and help to shorten the duration of your sickness. Plus, it will help you rest better! Just make sure you drink plenty of water while in the bath and at least 16oz or more after you get out. 

*Detox baths can be made by adding 1-2 cups pure Epsom salt, ½ cup apple cider vinegar, ½ cup baking soda, and a few drops of essential oils, (lavender is my fav) to a hot bath. 

  • Apple Cider Vinegar has numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that ACV has antimicrobial properties, which means that it can kill bacteria and viruses that make us sick; and it is also anti-inflammatory. So not only can it help kill harmful bugs, it can help our bodies recover more quickly and reduce the symptoms of being sick. There are several ways to administer ACV but a couple of my favorites are: dilute 1:1 with water and gargle - this is especially helpful if you have a sore throat or a lot of mucus build-up;  make a fire cider with hot water, ACV, honey, ginger, and cinnamon - this helps so much with sore throats and swollen glands. 

  • Honey + garlic are both strong antimicrobials and anti-inflammatories. I’m not going to try to sugar-coat this - this is gross! BUT when you are really sick and desperate, you don’t care as much! :) When you start to feel like you are getting sick, take a spoonful of honey (manuka has the most healing properties) mixed with a minced clove of garlic. I did this last year when I had the flu and I feel like it really helped to shorten the duration. I was only down about 3 days versus the usual 5-7.

  • Last but definitely not least is Bone Broth! Y’all know how much I love bone broth! It is just so beneficial to your gut health and rebuilding the intestinal wall - which only helps to support your overall immune system! I think it’s a great idea to drink a cup regularly throughout the winter, or at the very least cook with it instead of regular chicken stock. And it makes for such a warm, comforting drink when you are sick - especially if you get a GI bug and can’t tolerate many other things. 

Sleep and hydrate!

Again, this one is common sense yet we so often just don’t do it! When you start to feel like you are getting sick, take as much as you can off your schedule and rest. I know that isn’t always possible, and honestly, it’s not something that we like to do, but if you can get some quality sleep in the beginning stages of getting sick, it will help your body defend itself much more quickly. I know that a lot of times we don’t want to miss work or whatever social events we have going on, but when we choose to just keep pushing our bodies and trying to manage the symptoms (which by the way is your body’s way of  trying to fight the sickness), we end making it so much harder on ourselves, not to mention we expose other people to whatever germs we have. I know it isn’t always possible to just cancel everything and stay home, but it’s worth doing as much of that as you can!

*Bonus tip - Be mindful of your sugar intake!

I know it’s so difficult this time of year because there are sweets everywhere we go (I’m sure there is absolutely no correlation between that and the increase in sickness during the holiday months! Wink, wink!). Obviously, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t eat any sugar, but just as a reminder - excess glucose in the body will feed the bad bacteria you are hoping to get rid of as well as raise your inflammation levels, which will make you feel worse. So if you’re hoping to avoid sickness or you are already feeling sick, be mindful of how much sugar you are having! 

And hopefully, this goes without saying, but listen to your body and if you feel like you need to see a physician or if you’re symptoms are continuing to get worse instead of better, please go see your doctor! 

Stay well, my friends! 

*Disclosure: Amazon links found in my posts are affiliate links, so I will earn a small commission when you purchase using those links. Thank you for your help in supporting the podcast!

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HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle Alaina Davis

019 - Planning Ahead for Healthy Holidays

In today’s episode, I am sharing about planning ahead for the holidays, and how we can plan and prepare ahead to avoid some of the stress that can often come with this season and choose to stay in the holiday spirit instead!


Hi friends! Today we are talking all about planning ahead for the holidays. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away and most of us are making plans with friends and family - and while the holidays are such a fun time of year, they can also bring some challenges and stress.  Especially if you have been making progress working toward a health goal or if you’re trying to manage a health challenge, the holidays and all delicious but less-than-healthy foods that come with them can feel daunting, BUT it doesn’t have to feel that way! In this episode, I want to share a few ways that we can plan and prepare ahead to reduce some of that stress and keep us in the holiday spirit!

Make a Plan for Your Food

  • Choose which holiday foods are your absolute favorite and be sure to eat/make those just the way you like them, then you can either choose to skip or upgrade the other less-than-healthy foods that you care less about. For example, if the stuffing and mashed potatoes are your absolute favorite parts of the meal, then make sure to eat those! But if you could take or leave the green bean casserole, then skip it or try making a healthier version using all whole, natural ingredients. Try using healthier sweeteners in your cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, if you are doing a lot of the cooking. 

  • Drink water with your holiday meal! If the drinks are your favorite part, then plan to drink plenty of water before and after to help give your digestive system a little extra support. 

  • Don’t take leftovers or only take enough for one day. It’s easy to take tons of leftovers home to snack on for the next several days, but it’s best if you can keep it to just enough for one. Most of the time our bodies will do just fine to process and digest all the extra rich, yummy holiday foods, but when we eat them every meal for several days, it will usually catch up with us and leave us feeling pretty bloated and lethargic. 

  • Be sure to get some basic meal prep done for the rest of your week. This will help to ensure you are still getting plenty of nutrients and balanced meals into your week. It’s also common to just feel tired from all the festivities and you may not feel much like cooking for the next few days, so having prepped nutritious meals will keep you from going to the drive-thru. 

  • If you’re hosting or making several dishes, do a holiday meal prep. Several dishes like mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and even your pies can be made several days (and even a couple of weeks) ahead. This will not only save time the day-of but will reduce so much stress from trying to cook a lot of things at one time! (Check out my friend Lindsey Loope’s story highlight to see how she is doing her holiday meal prep!)

  • Remember that this is just one day - so enjoy it and allow your kids to enjoy it - and then get right back into your normal way of eating! Again, when you choose to live a healthy lifestyle, that just becomes your normal way of life. There is no wagon, so you don’t have to worry about falling off or ruining any kind of progress you’ve made. Even some of these foods that don’t necessarily nourish our bodies well can be very nourishing to our souls - so just take a deep breath and relax!

Make a Plan for Your Exercise

  • Go for a walk or run your local Turkey Trot together as a family! There are so many fun ways to be active as a family and what a great way to start your day together!

  • If it’s not possible for you to exercise on the actual holiday, plan your workout for the other days of that week. Even if you will be traveling and away from home, you can plan to go for a walk or jog in a near-by park or do a quick bodyweight circuit where you are staying. Yall know that I love Nourish, Move, Love’s Youtube workouts and those can go with you anywhere you go!

  • Ask a friend to workout with you or to keep you accountable to your plan. Like I mentioned before, it’s so easy to get a little lethargic and lazy during a holiday week, so go ahead and plan that you will need a little extra motivation and accountability to keep you on track. Remember that moving your body will help boost your mood and keep your digestive system working well!

Make a Plan to Manage Your Stress

  • Choose something you will do or a specific time that you will do something that renews you and fills you back up. We all know that the holidays are busy and you can feel like you are on the go all the time, so planning some time to decompress will be even more important than usual. 

  • Set specific expectations with friends and family- and for yourself! Personally, a lot of my stress around the holidays comes from setting expectations that are just too high. Expecting that everything is going to go perfectly according to my plan for the day, and it will only be filled with sweet, memory-making moments isn’t realistic and will only lead me to stress myself and those around me by trying to make it happen.

  • Shift your focus for the day to others! The best way to reduce stress and remove unrealistic expectations for the day is to take the focus off of yourself or your plan for the day. Instead of focusing on making everything perfect - perfect food, perfect memories or pictures, perfect environment - focus on the people you will be spending the day with and having meaningful conversations with them. Focus on being thankful for another year together. Focus on being thankful for the gift of life, health, and a good, good Father that loves you unconditionally. Holidays are fun, but the meaning behind them is what really counts. 

I hope some of these ideas help you as you make plans for the upcoming holidays and I sincerely hope that you choose to enjoy this wonderful season.

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018 - How I Supported My Body Through Insulin Resistance

In this episode, I'm sharing my personal experience of being diagnosed with Insulin Resistance, explaining the root cause of the disease, as well as sharing tips that I personally used to reverse my diagnosis.

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Hi friends! In last week’s episode we talked about ways to keep our blood sugar levels stable and why that is something that we need to be paying attention to (If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, hit pause and go do that real quick, so that we are all on the same page!). In that episode, I mention Insulin Resistance as something that can cause blood sugar imbalance, and that it is becoming more and more common.

Insulin Resistance occurs when our cells are no longer sensitive to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells in our pancreas to help allow our cells to utilize glucose. In last week’s episode, I gave the analogy of insulin being like a key that opens the door for glucose to go into our cells - and in someone with Insulin Resistance, it’s like that key just stops working. 

There are a few different theories as to why this happens. Sometimes it can be due to an overproduction of insulin caused by a continual release of glucose into the bloodstream. This is often, but not always, due to lifestyle and dietary choices. When we eat mostly carbohydrates - especially simple carbohydrates that break down very quickly into glucose - then our pancreas is continually releasing insulin as well. When this happens chronically, over time our cells simply become so desensitized to the glucose, that they stop functioning properly and can’t utilize the glucose as they should. Therefore we end up with high levels of both glucose and insulin in the bloodstream and our cells don’t get the energy that they need to function well.

 Another cause of Insulin Resistance, that research is showing as more and more prominent, is that chronically high levels of inflammation in the body actually cause damage to the insulin receptors on the cells. So, in this case, it’s not so much that the cells are desensitized and can’t respond to the insulin, it’s that they are actually damaged and can’t respond to the insulin. Although this is a different root cause, it results in the same issue of high levels of glucose and insulin in the bloodstream.

As we know, inflammation in the body is caused by so many different things - inflammatory foods like sugar, artificial and highly processed foods, food colorings and dyes, infections in the body, dysbiosis in the gut, chronic stress, lack of sleep, and so much more. Now research is showing that having high levels of this inflammation is actually doing damage to our bodies on a cellular level.

I actually experienced this myself several years ago when I went looking for answers to my hormone imbalance issues. My labs came back that I had both Insulin Resistance and PCOS. It really surprised both me and my physician, because I didn’t really have any of the other symptoms that, at that time, were thought to accompany IR and PCOS, but as I would come to find out later, my body was very inflamed. I had really poor gut health - dysbiosis and leaky gut, a candida overgrowth, endometriosis (which is an inflammatory disease), years of low-level chronic stress, and a long history of not eating well or really caring for my body well at all. I just didn’t know what I didn’t know! And for me personally, my genetics mixed with all of those things created a perfect storm for IR and then a cascade of hormone imbalance as a result. Thankfully, both insulin resistance and chronic inflammation are things that can be positively affected by lifestyle change, and with the blessing of my physician, that’s exactly what I did. She asked me to come back in 6 months to recheck my levels and thankfully, my insulin levels were back within the normal range and my cycles had also returned to normal intervals, as well. 

If you are struggling with Insulin Resistance or suspect that something is imbalanced with your blood sugar levels or hormones, I strongly encourage you to work with a physician and get some lab work done. Depending on your practitioner, you may need to specifically request that they check your insulin levels, as that isn’t always part of routine lab work. 

As far as how to manage, and possibly reverse Insulin Resistance with lifestyle changes, all of the tips that I shared in last week’s episode apply here as well. Things like eating balanced meals at regular intervals, regular exercise, getting quality sleep, and managing and reducing your stress levels will all help to stabilize the amount of glucose in your bloodstream and lower inflammation. 

There are a few specific recommendations that I would add for someone looking to manage IR though. Your key focus is going to be on reducing inflammation in your body and helping your body to become sensitive to insulin again. This is very important so that you don’t progress further into prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes. 

Be sure to always have a protein and fat with every meal and snack and try to reduce your intake of carbohydrates overall. 

Some people call this a low-carb diet. There are also paleo and keto diets that are similar in nature, but overall I’m just talking about when you look at your plate, or the portions of what you are eating, having carbs only account for about 30-40% of your food.

Eliminate simple, processed carbs altogether.

You need carbs, but you do not need simple carbs full of inflammation-raising ingredients. Stick to high fiber veggies, some nutrient-rich root veggies like sweet potatoes, and whole forms of non-gluten grains like brown rice or quinoa. 

Engage in strength-training exercises at least 2x per week.

We’re not talking about anything crazy here, but research has shown that doing bodyweight and added weight exercises helps to increase our cell’s sensitivity to insulin. You can click here to find a few of my favorite online strength training workouts to do at home or there are tons of classes at your local gym if you’d rather have some personal instruction and work out with other people. 

Add anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements to your diet.

  • Make sure you are taking a good whole-food vitamin to fill in any nutrient gaps.

  • Supplement with extra vitamin D and magnesium, if needed. Both can help to increase insulin sensitivity. 

  • Cook with turmeric, ginger, and garlic which can all help to lower inflammation levels and they’re delicious! You can also get or make teas with inflammation lowering ingredients, too!

Work with a professional for more support.

While Insulin Resistance can be reversible, it isn’t always easy. It takes concentrated effort and some research, but it is so worth it! If you feel like it’s too overwhelming for you or you would just like personalized support as you make changes to your lifestyle, reach out to someone that can help. This is something that personally I am passionate about and have done a lot of research on, so I would love to work with you one-on-one if you feel you need more support. Click here to schedule a free 30-min initial session with me!

I hope that you have learned something from my story that is encouraging to you and that these tips help you see that there are things you can do to help heal your body! 

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017 - How To Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels and Why It's Important!

In this episode, we are talking about how to keep our blood sugar levels stable and why it matters! The stability of our blood sugar or blood glucose levels affects our body’s ability to function optimally.

Hi friends! I hope you all are having a great week so far! Today we are going to be talking about something that applies to every single human being out there - and that is blood sugar regulation. How to regulate our blood sugar levels and why that’s something we need to be paying attention to.

So for most of us, we hear the phrase “blood sugar” mostly in relation to diabetes. So it’s easy to think, well I don’t have diabetes, so I don’t need to worry about it. But in reality, blood sugar dysregulation is at the root of many common health concerns that we face on a day-to-day basis, as well as a lot of chronic diseases. 

Let’s talk about the science for a minute: 

When you hear someone say “blood-sugar” they are referring to the levels of glucose in the bloodstream. When we eat, the enzymes that help break down our food also release glucose into our intestines, where it is then absorbed into our bloodstream. Glucose is the primary source of energy for our bodies but our cells can’t absorb it on their own, they need a buddy to help them with that - and that is Insulin.

Insulin is a hormone made by the beta cells in the pancreas. These cells are continually monitoring our blood glucose levels and when an increase is detected, Insulin will then be released into the bloodstream. Insulin is like a key that unlocks our muscle, fat, and liver cells so that the glucose can get inside of them and be used or stored appropriately, which also lowers the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. 

Problems maintaining normal blood sugar levels can arise when: 

  • Beta cells that release insulin no longer work as they should and too little or zero insulin is produced, leaving blood sugar elevated (Type 1 diabetes).

  • Cells become desensitized to insulin, either due to over-exposure or inflammation, and can no longer absorb glucose properly (Insulin Resistance). 

  • When blood sugar levels aren’t managed well, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can then occur as those levels rise and fall. These come with many side effects including fatigue and low energy, intense sugar cravings, changes in blood pressure, weight changes, nerve-ending issues, anxiety, and (for women) cycle irregularity.

  • Cells stop receiving enough energy since insulin is no longer doing its job of bringing them enough glucose, which also means that blood glucose levels remain elevated. This can cause damage to the kidneys, heart, arteries, and nerves — which in turn affects the whole body negatively. (Prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes)

So, as you can see, when talking about “blood sugar”, Insulin is always going to be the star player. When there is a problem with insulin, blood glucose will always become dysregulated.

I could go on and on about the science part of things, but let’s talk about some practical ways that you can keep your blood sugar regulated.

Eat balanced meals 

You want your meals to consist of good amounts of clean protein (about the size of your palm), always 1-2 tbsp fat (size of your thumb), and high-fiber veggies at every meal (about two hand fulls). 

Don’t skip meals

Eating at regular intervals prevents your blood sugar levels from dipping too low, which makes your liver have to release stored glucose to keep you going. This can alter your insulin production and mess with the stability of your blood sugar overall. You want to aim for three balanced meals at regular intervals (usually 4-6 hours apart).

Eat a snack if needed

Make sure it is also balanced and includes protein and fat. So don’t just grab a bag of chips or even just an apple. Make sure you are pairing any carbohydrates with protein and fat. 

Keep the sugar and alcohol to a minimum

Both obviously raise blood sugar levels and also inflammation in the body. When choosing a sweetener for baking, etc. go for a more naturally occurring, low glycemic index option like raw honey, stevia, dates, or maple syrup. 

Exercise regularly

Both cardio and strength training exercises help your muscles to be able to take up more glucose, which decreases the amount in the bloodstream. Also, strength-training specifically has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in our cells. Exercise also helps to lower overall inflammation which helps to protect our cells and keep them functioning optimally. 

Manage stress

As we’ve talked about before, chronic stress has a negative effect on just about every part of our health, and our blood sugar level is no exception. High levels of cortisol in the body (which we know we produce when under stress) cause the liver to release some of it’s stored glucose back into the bloodstream. It also increases overall inflammation in the body, which can damage your cells and make them resistant to insulin. Over time this is like a double assault on your body and can lead to serious health complications. 

Get quality sleep

Again, this is something we talk about often because it is so important. Studies show that having disturbed circadian rhythms and not getting enough sleep both can cause stress and hunger hormones to be released in the body. This not only raises inflammation in the body but will also make it much harder to resist foods that will only raise your blood sugar levels further. We’ve got to make this a priority and make sure we are getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night. 

Take quality supplements*

  • A good whole-food multivitamin will help make sure you aren’t deficient in any key nutrients (also, additional Vit D if needed)

  • Omega-3 fatty acids can help increase insulin sensitivity

  • Magnesium can help activate your cell’s insulin receptors

  • Alpha-lipoic acid can increase your body’s use of glucose

  • Cinnamon can decreases the rise in glucose after a meal

*Always consult your physician before adding any supplements or medications.

The good news is that for most of us, we can maintain a healthy blood sugar level by practicing a healthy lifestyle. And if this is something that you are currently struggling with - maybe you already have insulin resistance or prediabetes, you can manage and possibly reverse the condition with lifestyle change as well. I know that it’s possible because I did it! (I’ll share more about that another day!)

As always, if you have questions or feel that you need support in this area, reach out to me! I’d love to help you!

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Healthy Lifestyle, HF Podcast Alaina Davis Healthy Lifestyle, HF Podcast Alaina Davis

016 - My Favorite Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling

In today’s episode, I’m sharing my favorite tips that I used to keep my family healthy and sane during our recent travels to California!


Hi friends!! So, I don’t know about you but I feel like the end of the year is flying by! I can’t believe we are already well into fall and almost into the holiday season! I can already feel our schedule busier, and at least for us, that is just how it is throughout the end of the year! 

One thing that the holiday season typically brings with it is some travel, whether to visit family or just for fun. We just got back from a week in California visiting family and seeing a lot of fun things in San Francisco. It was a blast!

On the flight home, I got to thinking though about how while traveling is a lot of fun, it can be really hard on our bodies. We’re exposed to a lot of things outside of our norm, whether it be long times sitting in a car or being cooped up with hundreds of other people in an airplane. 

However, there are some easy things we can do to help support our bodies and our health while traveling, and that’s what I want to share with you today! 

Bring your own snacks!

- Bring snacks to eat on the trip and while waiting at the airport. 

- Most airports do not have healthy food options and if they do, their usually very expensive. Save yourself some money by bringing along balanced snacks (balanced meaning they contain good amounts of carbs, protein, and fat). This will help you stay full and keep your blood sugar levels stable. 

Bring your own water bottle!

- In my opinion, airplane water is pretty gross (and not filtered well). Plus, those little cups are bound to spill, especially with littles around.

- Fill your cups with water after security so you will be set on the plane (I ran out of time to do this on our depart flight last week and I was miserable while we waited for beverage service).

- Also, be sure to drink enough. Planes are super dry and it’s easy to not want to drink a lot in order to avoid the airplane bathrooms / rest-stop bathrooms, so when and where you can, try to get the water in. 

Plan ahead!

- Start packing several days ahead and make a list for all the last minute things. Traveling can be stressful with so many moving parts and so much to keep up with, so do yourself a favor and don’t wait until the last minute. 

- Go to bed early the night before your flight. While you may be lucky enough to catch a little snooze on the plane/ride, the quality of sleep won’t be nearly as good as a night’s sleep. Lack of sleep raises inflammation levels in the body, as well as lowers immune function. That’s like a double-whammy on your body. 

- Start taking immune support supplements at least a week before the flight. We chose these immune gummies by Mary Ruth Organics that have great amounts of vitamins C and D, zinc and elderberry extract in them - and they are sourced from whole foods and yummy too! You can also make your own elderberry syrup to start taking before your trip (it’s just a little more difficult to travel with, in my opinion). 

- I also think it’s a smart idea to take a regular whole-foods based multivitamin and a probiotic leading up to the trip, as well as for the duration of the trip. It really sucks to get sick while on vacation or visiting family for the holidays, so this is just one simple way to help prevent that. 

Manage the germs as much as you can, but don’t freak out about it.

Germs are everywhere and are unavoidable, however, you can use a clean, non-toxic hand sanitizer like the Honest brand, Dr. Bronner’s, or Branch Basics to clean hands before eating, as well as when you get off the plane. It’s also a great idea to spray down trays etc. if you can, but don’t make this something to stress about, that’s why all of the prevention measures are helpful. 

Eat a good meal before and after your flight.

Even your healthy snacks are usually decently high in sugar and just aren’t as rich in nutrients as whole foods, so try to eat a balanced meal both before and after. Obviously, if you’re on vacation or seeing relatives, you probably aren’t going to eat perfectly balanced or super nutrient-dense foods the whole time, and that’s totally okay, but being more intentional on the day you actually travel can help your body deal with all the changes / stressors and less nutritious foods better.

If you need to detox a bit when you get home, do it! 

Your body will tell you if you’ve pushed it too far. A few easy ways to detox are by doing a 5-7 day standard elimination diet (eating only whole foods and eliminating the main inflammatory ones like sugar, maybe gluten/dairy, any processed foods), drinking extra water, drinking Dandelion-Root tea and bone broth daily, and taking detox baths*. Also getting lots of good sleep and movement (walks are great for this)!

Most of all, relax and enjoy your trip!

Just like everything else, perfection is a myth. So do your best and make the conscious choice to not stress about the things that are out of your control. 

I hope these tips will be helpful as you plan your travels for the upcoming holiday season! As always, feel free to reach out on Instagram or Facebook if you have any questions. 

If you feel like you need more personalized support as we enter this holiday season, I would be happy to help you stay on track with your health goals or maybe set some for the first time! You can schedule a free 30-min consult with me by going to www.yourhealthforward.com/free-consultation!

*My fav easy detox bath recipe - Add to a hot bath and soak for at least 20 minutes:

  • 1-½ C Epsom salts (unscented or only scented with essential oils, nothing synthetic)

  • ½ C baking soda

  • 1 tsp ascorbic acid (Vit C powder - this helps neutralize chlorine in the water)

  • 5-10 drops lavender essential oil

** Some links in this post are affiliate links. I will earn a small commission if you choose to purchase items using these links. 

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015 - Boost Your Health by Moving Your Body

In this episode, we are continuing to talk about ways to support our health, specifically our emotional and mental health by moving our bodies. Our bodies were designed to move and they just will not function well if we aren’t engaging in regular physical activity.


Hi friends! Today we are continuing to talk about ways to support our health, specifically our emotional and mental health by moving our bodies. 

Our bodies were designed to move! Our bodies will not function well if we aren’t engaging in regular physical activity. You’ve probably heard the tagline “Sitting is the new smoking” and that is because research is starting to show just how detrimental inactivity is to our health. 


Just as a reminder, some of the health benefits to exercise are:

  • Happiness - endorphins / serotonin

  • Mental clarity / increased memory

  • Better sleep / supports natural circadian rhythms

  • Energy boost

  • Reduces stress in the body

  • Reduce overall disease risk

  • Pushes toxins out of the body

  • Increases strength and endurance

  • Supports healthy weight

  • Facilitates Longevity


Everyone seems to have an opinion on which type of exercise is the best or exactly how you should go about it, but there’s not a specific kind of physical activity that is best for everyone. Just like most things, the method or type of exercise that is best for you depends on your specific situation, needs, and preferences. 

There are a few general guidelines, however, that apply to everyone:

  • AMA recommendations - 150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, plus 2 days of strength training / 30 min / 5 days a week is ideal (You can start by doing 10 min x 3 per day).

  • Bodyweight / weighted strength exercises are good! 

    Women have been known to be scared of doing weightlifting or strength-training exercises because they don’t want to get bulky or look like a body-builder. But this is actually not possible without externally altering your hormones or working out so much that you increase natural testosterone production, so this isn’t something we need to fear! 

    Bodyweight strength-training exercises, as well as weighted exercises,  have significant benefits to our health. 

    • Builds bone mass

    • Increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin

    • Helps to prevent and/or manage autoimmune diseases

    • Increases strength and ability to function

  • More is not always better

    • Two-a-day workouts or high-intensity workouts that last more than 1.5-2 hours can do more harm than good. Not only can it increase the risk of injury and fatigue, but it also can lead to sustained high rates of inflammation in the body. This can cause the body to be under too much stress, for too long and will lead to inflammatory issues, like hormone imbalance. 

Most important - choose something that you enjoy!

If you hate exercising, you’re not going to do it, so choose an activity that you enjoy. You can choose to workout in a gym, at home, with a friend, or alone - just whatever you feel works best for you and that you will stick to! 

Evaluate yourself and pinpoint what you need: 

  • Is it to find something you enjoy? Choose a new option to try this week! Accountability? Ask a friend to join you or give them permission to ask you about it.

  • Sit all day at work? Set reminders to get up every hour and walk around for a few minutes - fill up your water bottle or do a few stretches! Even better - be the change and start leading office-wide stretches or a walking group in your department! You never know what kind of impact you can have with just a little suggestion and it will benefit everyone! 

  • Can’t afford a gym membership or don’t want one? Search for quality workouts on youtube (Nourish, Move, Love, is a great resource!) Also, now that the weather is cooler, just get out and go for a walk! 

  • Prefer to have more support? Sign up for a personal trainer to show you exactly how to workout in a way that will help you grow stronger and prevent injury! OR join a fitness class at your local gym! You will be surrounded by others doing that exact same exercises, with the instruction of an instructor! You get both a social connection and a great workout! 

There really are so many options and with a little effort, you can find something that will work for you! 

Well, friends, I hope this episode gave you a little reminder and boost to get up and get moving! It did for me! 

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HF Podcast, Emotional Health, Relationships Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Emotional Health, Relationships Alaina Davis

014 - 10 Tips for a Healthy Relationship

In this episode, my very first guest ever - my husband, Scott - is joining me to celebrate our TEN Year Wedding Anniversary. We are sharing 10 tips that have helped us to have a healthier and better-connected relationship!


Friends! We are continuing the theme of focusing on ways to support our mental and emotional health - and today, I have my very first guest ever joining me on the podcast - my husband, Scott!

Today, well - the day this episode will be released - is our 10th wedding anniversary (So crazy)! So we thought it would be fun to do an episode that focuses on relationships and just some general tips for healthy relationships that we’ve learned over the past 10 years of marriage - and a lot of these can really be applied to any relationship - not just in marriage.

Scott and I met in college - although neither of us actually remembers meeting (romantic, right?). We were part of a mutual circle of friends and were around each other a lot (and did quite a bit of flirting 😉), but we were both dating other people at the time. However, the next spring I asked him out on a date and the rest is history! We dated for about 9 months before he popped the question, and we got married the next October. It’s hard to believe that it was 10 years ago! 

We want to share a few tips that we have found really helpful in our relationship and that has helped us to be a more unified team - not that we have mastered any of them!

Make God the center of your relationship/home

This one sounds a bit cliche but the truth is that it’s difficult to have a solid relationship if it isn’t built on a solid foundation. As Christians, our marriage vows weren’t just a promise to each other, but more importantly to God. So when things feel difficult or we aren’t exactly in sync with each other, reminding ourselves of how Christ loves us - and the grace and forgiveness He has given us - help us to extend the same type of love and grace to each other. 

Communicate expectations

Communication is everything, you guys! It took me way too long to accept the fact that Scott can’t read my mind and it’s kind of unfair for me to expect him to. Sure, as you grow together over time you will start to know and understand your spouse better, but you still won’t be able to predict every single thought or desire that they have. So just help them out and tell them! (Reminding myself here too!)

Embrace respectful confrontation 

Most people don’t enjoy confrontation, but we’ve learned that healthy confrontation, when needed can keep things from building up to the point of a big argument. Obviously, we don’t need to bring up or knit-pick every single little thing that we don’t like or agree with, but if it is something that becomes repetitive, and will eventually be a bigger issue, then it’s better to address it now. Just remember to be gracious and respectful of the other person. Their opinions and beliefs feel just as true to them as yours do to you. 

Learn the other person’s personality type/love language

I love learning about personality types and what makes people the way they are, but I understand that not everyone is like that (Scott being one of them). However, whether you are an enneagram nerd or not, there is still a lot of benefit from learning more about your spouse so that they can feel loved and known by you. I highly recommend taking a personality test like the enneagram together and well as learning each other’s love language! 

Get on the same page with money

Money is one of the top causes of disagreement in a relationship. We experienced this first-hand as both of us came from very different backgrounds and had different opinions and beliefs about debt, savings, etc. One of the best things you can do early in your relationship is to get on the same page with your money. Once you are married, the two of you become one - and that includes your money, your debts, etc. We highly recommend a program like Financial Peace University! It helped us to remember that we were on the same team and helped us work together toward a common goal rather than feel like we were working against each other. 

Assume the best of each other

Sometimes our imaginations get the best of us. We assume that the off-handed comment that someone made was said to hurt our feelings...or the fact that our spouse is staring at their phones while we are trying to talk to them means that they don’t care about us or what we are saying, but what if instead of assuming those things, we tried to assume the best about them instead? Most of the time the things that offend or bother us aren’t done intentionally - and honestly, it usually has more to do with the other person than it does with us. We can save ourselves a lot of heartaches and arguing if we choose to assume the best about those that we know love us and care about us, instead of being easily offended by them. 

Make regular date nights a priority

This is an obvious one, but it deserves repeating! We are the first to admit that we aren’t always great at this. It becomes so easy, especially when you have kids, to put spending intentional time with your spouse on hold, but that’s not what is best for your relationship, or even what is best for your kids. Date nights also don’t have to be a big, extravagant thing every single time. If you’re on a budget, have a regular at-home date night after the kids go to bed.. Or do something simple like a morning coffee date instead of an expensive dinner. It doesn’t so much matter what it is that you do, as it does that you are choosing to spend quality time together. 

Be lavish with your compliments and stingy with your criticism 

It is so easy for us to take advantage of the things that I spouses do for us. We just get so used to them being there for us, or always taking out the trash, or whatever it is, that we forget to even acknowledge them for it. Yet, we are still super quick to criticize when they do something that we don’t like or disagree with. We need to turn this one around! Take the time to notice the things that your spouse does for you around the house and thank them for it.. Or complement the way they look. Just a small word of encouragement or thankfulness will go a long way! 

Present a united front

This advice is often given in parenting - and for good reason. Our kiddos should never think that they can play us against each other, but this idea can be applied in other situations as well! We need to be careful about running to anyone - our parents, friends, whoever and complaining about or being critical of our spouse. No one should think that they can come to you and be negative about your husband/wife and that you will agree or go along with it. You should always have each other’s backs. Any complaints or discussion about your spouse needs to be taken directly to them. There may be times that you need to seek some counsel or advice from a friend about your relationship, but just be sure that your motives are where they should be and not just for you to vent or feel validated in your own opinion.

Do the little things 

This one goes back to making your spouse feel loved and seen. Scott is so good about this! Little things like letting me have the last bite of dessert or getting up and making the coffee in the mornings go a long way to help me feel loved and seen by him. Whatever that is for your spouse, just go out of your way to do the things that make them feel loved!

Thank you guys so much for taking the time to listen to this episode and to help us celebrate our anniversary! We hope these tips will be good reminders for you, just as they have been for us

If you haven’t subscribed or left a review yet, I would love if you would take just a minute to do so! Reviews help others find the podcast more easily and it means a lot to me! Hope you have a wonderful week and I’ll see ya back here next time!

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