HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition Alaina Davis HF Podcast, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition Alaina Davis

Healthy Eating Buzzwords and What You Actually Need to Know

In today’s episode, I’m sharing what healthy eating buzzwords like non-GMO, organic, and natural flavors actually mean and what you need to know to make informed choices for you and your family.

There are so many buzzwords when it comes to healthy eating - clean, organic, non-GMO, etc.- but how do you know what these terms actually mean and if it’s something you should even pay attention to? Today we’re going to dive into what you need to know to make an informed decision for your family. 


Have you ever found yourself wandering around the grocery store, trying to make healthy choices for your family, only to be confused by all of the labels placed all over the boxes or hanging over the aisle? Well, you aren’t alone. Food makers have started adding tons of different labels to their products - some of them are important and some are just marketing to fit into the latest health trend. So, how do you know which is which? Unfortunately, it’s not as straightforward as any of us wish that it was, but I’m hoping that what I share here with you today will help clear it up a bit. 

3 of the most confusing food labels:   

GMO - it means that this crop has been genetically altered to make it more resistant to environmental factors or pests. Concerns about GMOs are that they can add to overall body toxicity, allergies and sensitivities, and could possibly contribute to cancer risk.                                                                                                                                                   

A lot of packaged foods and ingredients are common GMO crops such as sugar, corn, soybean, canola, and cottonseed oils as well as ingredients commonly used in animal feed (so what your meat is eating). 

Organic - this term has a lot more complexities in what it can mean. There are many different artificial ingredients used in food production that come with concern especially for things like allergies and sensitivities, contributing to cancer risks and DNA damage, as well as an overall negative effect on gut health and detox pathways.

When referring to produce it means that only allowed synthetic chemicals or preservatives have been used (about 25 different ones allowed vs 900 allowed in conventional produce) and that any chemical used went through testing that proved that it wasn’t harmful to human health or the health of the environment, as well as that the farming practices used passed the organic standards set by the USDA. 

When referring to packaged foods it means that the products contain none of the following: artificial dyes, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, partially or hydrogenated oils, BHT/BHA (hormone), GMOs (specifically important with corn, sugar, soy, canola, and cotton), glyphosate sprayed crops, added hormones, antibiotics, glyphosate by-products or GMOs used for animal feed. It also means that if any herbicide/pesticide was used they followed organic standards and rules. 

Natural Flavors - this one is super confusing and seems to be in everything. It could consist of approximately 2500 different ingredients. The FDA has some standards that say it must be derived from an animal or plant, however, that’s a very broad category. It also means that GMOs or chemically treated ingredients can be included as “natural”. 

Other common labels to watch out for: 

Natural - this term is completely unregulated and therefore could mean anything or nothing. 

Zero / Low calorie or Zero / Low sugar - look at that label. In order to make something zero-calorie, it has most likely been stripped of any actual food or nutrients and is full of artificial ingredients instead. This also applies to low / no sugar labels. If they aren’t using sugar, what are they using to sweeten it? Most likely something artificial. 

High in protein - this is a completely subjective term so it could mean anything. It likely refers to a ratio of carbs to protein and means that it’s not super high in carbs compared to protein. A lot of people have different protein intake goals based on health goals, but generally for adults, specifically for women, I recommend shooting for 20-30g of protein per meal - so think about all of the components of that meal and what the total protein would be. That should get you in a generally good place for your overall daily protein intake.

Here are a few of my top tips for navigating these confusing terms:

  1. Pay attention to the ingredient list, not just the nutrition facts. A lot of times we think we are making healthy decisions if the item has good protein or low sugar, but that isn’t always true. Do you recognize most of the ingredients as real food? Are there 30 ingredients? Are the first few ingredients one of those common GMO crops? If so, look for a better alternative. 

  2. Stick to buying organic produce for the dirty dozen and don’t worry about the other produce items. This frees up money in your grocery budget for buying the organic versions of other foods like meat/dairy as well as those packaged foods that contain the commonly modified crops that we talked about earlier - sugar, corn, soy, canola, and cottonseed oils, as well as any product containing wheat as it is not a GMO crop but it is one of the crops most commonly sprayed with glyphosate. 

  3. If you’re buying a product that includes “natural flavors” which most do, make sure it also has an organic label so that you can at least know that a lot of the artificial things that we want to avoid like GMOs, dyes, preservatives, etc. can’t be it. 

There are so many more things that I could share about food labeling with you but I wanted to really focus on the most common ones today. If you’re wanting to hear more about healthy eating and how to make healthy - yet realistic - food choices, check out Episode 70 to learn how I do meal planning or Episode 90 for tips on making healthy eating choices at parties and in social settings

I hope that this has helped make food labels a little less confusing and you walk away from this episode feeling more educated and empowered to make food choices for your family. 

If you’re looking for more ideas for healthy meals, I have a few resources that I think you will love. You can download my Healing Foods Guide as well as my recipe ebook “Easy, Healthy Eats” by clicking here.

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How to Support Your Liver Health

In this episode, I’m sharing practical ways that we can support the health of our livers as they support the rest of our bodies.

Hi friends! Today’s episode is kind of a “part 2” to last week’s episode on liver health. In that episode, we covered what the liver does and a few of the really important roles that it plays in our overall health, as well as what can happen when we don’t support our liver health. In this episode, I’m sharing practical ways that we can support the health of our livers as they support the rest of our bodies. 


There are a number of ways that we can help support the health and function of our livers and most of them can be done from the comfort of our homes! So that’s great news! I’ve broken these down into a couple of categories to hopefully help it be easier for you to remember (you can always go to the show notes as well). 

The very first thing that we can do to support the health of our livers is… can anybody guess it?? You know what I’m going to say...

Improve gut health

I know that I sound like a broken record here, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that the health of our gut affects just about everything else in our bodies - especially our livers. If our guts aren’t healthy, toxins can be recirculated right back into the liver, instead of being excreted as they are designed to be. 

So if you are experiencing a lot of gut health issues, work with a professional trained in gut health to address the root cause. If you struggle with constipation or regular bowel movements, this is something that needs to be addressed ASAP with a treatment that will address the root cause and not just force your body to go. Unfortunately, these kinds of medications, while necessary at times (for short-term use), do nothing to heal to cause of constipation, and can harm the balance of the microbiome even more, which just perpetuates the problem. 

Here are a few ideas to help, if this is something you are struggling with: 

  • High-quality bone broth daily 

  • Deep breathing/box breathing before all meals

  • Eating every 3-4 hours (fiber, protein, and fat)

  • Add more variety to your meals (change out produce often)

  • Gargle every day (start small and build up to 2-3 minutes at a time)

  • Take a multi-strain probiotic (best to start this after a few weeks of the daily bone broth)

  • Hydrate!! (½ body weight in oz of filtered, mineral water daily; can also add electrolytes to help)

Prioritize key nutrients 

Your liver is dependent on certain nutrients to function effectively. It needs protein to supply amino acids which assist with detoxification. It also needs liver-friendly nutrients including vitamin C and B vitamins, zinc, and selenium,  as well as antioxidants found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale, for example. Healing foods like garlic and turmeric can also support liver function by assisting with the production of liver enzymes.

One simple tip for increasing the intake of these essential nutrients is to aim for half a plate of vegetables at every meal, making sure to include some/all of the cruciferous ones that I just mentioned. If you’re also working on your gut health, most of these veggies are more easily digested when cooked (sauteed, roasted, steamed, etc.).

There are some other nutrients and herbs that may also be helpful in supporting the liver: 

  • NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) and Glutathione are both antioxidants that have been shown to support the liver 

  • Milk Thistle, dandelion root, and astragalus are commonly used to nourish the liver and assist in healing, especially for those with congested/fatty livers. You can often find Liver Support Teas that are made of a blend of these herbs. 

Increase lymphatic movement

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump to keep things moving. It is dependent on the movement of your muscles and tissue to move the lymph around to different lymph nodes in the body to be filtered and then recirculated.

Moving our bodies every day for even just 10-15 minutes can help increase circulation as well as movement within the lymphatic system. Dry Brushing is also a helpful tool for increasing lymph movement in the body and can be done daily or several times a week before showering or taking a bath. 

Reduce toxic burden

One major way that we can help support the health of our livers is by reducing our exposure to toxins. As I’ve talked about many times, the body - specifically speaking here about the liver - is designed to filter toxins, so we don’t need to try to be 100% toxin-free or live in a pure bubble, however, we can place an undue burden on the liver when the number of toxins we are exposed to and the rate at which we are exposed to toxins is really high. Remember how in the last episode we talked about how every single thing we breathe, digest, or absorb has to be filtered through the liver. So when we are continually eating, breathing, and absorbing things that are full of chemicals that are harmful to our bodies, we have created a huge workload for our livers. 

So what are some simple ways to reduce our exposure: (have entire episodes about this 24, 64, and 65)

  • Choosing organic produce (for the dirty dozen) and organic, antibiotic-free meats dramatically reduce the number of herbicides and pesticides we are exposed to.

  • Increase awareness of the ingredients in personal care products and cleaning products. (EWG)

  • Decrease foods/substances that create a greater workload for the liver such as alcohol/drugs, sugar, caffeine, high-starch carbohydrates (especially w/o protein and fat). 

Use Alternative therapies

There are a few other ways to support the liver that I wanted to mention:

  • The use of a castor oil pack over the liver is believed to increase circulation to the liver as well as help in the production of one of our master antioxidants - glutathione. 

  • Epsom salt baths are helpful for many things, especially in relief from sore muscles and even in reducing stress. Some also believe that the absorption of magnesium sulfate from the epsom salts can also support the liver. 

  • Acupuncture has been shown to improve circulation and therefore decrease stagnation. There are many studies showing that acupuncture is helpful for liver function. 

  • TCM believes there to be a direct link between unresolved feelings of anger or sadness and poor liver health. We know unresolved emotions and trauma can also lead to chronic inflammation and even poor adrenal health as well. So all the more reason to be sure you are paying attention to your emotional health as well, managing stress well, as well as seeing a counselor if you feel that you need some additional support navigating through past experiences or feelings (most of us do). 

Adding in a combination of few of these ideas into your daily and weekly rhythms will help support not only your liver health but your overall health as well.

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A Few of My Favorite Less-Toxic Swaps

In this episode of the #hfpodcast, I'm sharing a few of my favorite less-toxic swaps that I feel have made the biggest impact on my health and our home.

Less-Toxic Swaps

Hi friends! In today’s episode, I want to share a few of my favorite less-toxic swaps that I feel have made the biggest impact on me and my family. 


When it comes to learning about toxins and how they can affect the body, it’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed. Where do you start, how do you know what to swap, etc. I remember feeling so overwhelmed when I first started learning about all this stuff and kind of like I needed to just chuck everything I owned and start over. Obviously, that’s not realistic or even smart. The goal is never to bring more stress or fear/anxiety into your life bc those things are just as, if not more, toxic than all the chemicals. I have an entire episode dedicated to how to start the process of reducing toxin exposure in your life, so if you find yourself feeling that way, go back and give that one a listen. Today I just want to highlight three of my favorite swaps that we made and why I feel like they’ve had a big impact on my health and our home. 

Berkey Water Filter System

First, I want to start with the one we use the most often - the Berkey water filtration system. We use our Berkey every single day, multiple times a day - it even travels with us when we can take it. It is by far one of my favorite less-toxic investments that we have made. 

Let me back up and explain what it is: The Berkey Filtration system is a counter-top water purifying system that removes unhealthy contaminants and impurities from your tap water.  

We chose the Berkey because I wanted a filtered water option for our family and I wanted an option that was sustainable and affordable. Even though there is some government regulation on what is allowed in our tap water, I knew that it wasn’t really a safe option for drinking due to some testing we had done previously, but then I also looked up a contaminant report (from Berkey) for water coming from our water company and it found that 11 contaminants that exceeded the EWG’s guidelines and each of them were believed to be carcinogenic (increases risk for cancer). 

This wasn’t an overnight switch for us. We started by switching to bottled water, then a water cooler in the house, then finally the Berkey. For us, the final deciding factor was the amount of money we were spending each month just on water! The amount that we drink and use for cooking, etc. it saved us money, in the long run, to go ahead and invest in the Berkey system. 

Some of the things I love about it is that it doesn’t filter out minerals, which can lead to dehydration; it doesn’t require power,  so can be used in emergencies, and if there are unsafe water conditions in our area; it can be easily disassembled/reassembled so it can travel with us as well. 

I highly recommend switching to the Berkey! As of recording this a few of the sizes were sold out, so if you’re interested in getting one, I suggest you don’t wait! We have the Big Berkey which holds a little over 2 gallons at a time. 

Essential Oil Diffusers and Safe Candles 

The next less-toxic swap that I wanted to highlight today is essential oil diffusers - specifically switching them out for scented candles. I know… it’s about to be Fall, and candles are so cozy, especially those cute pumpkin ones that Target just put on the shelves. I hear you! But did you know that most regular candles actually pollute the air of your home? Most are made from paraffin when burned emits chemicals like benzene (which scores an F from the EWG with high concern for increased risk of cancer, genetic defects, reproductive issues in males, asthma, and much more), toluene (which scores a 10 also with reproductive and developmental concerns). Unfortunately, some of the soy candles aren’t much better because they are full of synthetic fragrances, which are often also made of petro-chemicals (petroleum-based just like paraffin - therefore having all the same carcinogenic and reproductive dangers) as well as phthalates, which are known endocrine disruptors. Not to mention, the allergy/respiratory irritant factor associated with synthetic fragrances. 

I’ve always been extremely sensitive to fragrances and even when I used to buy conventional candles, there were only a couple of scents that I could tolerate without having a reaction.  So what do we do instead? 

The good news is that there are options that not only are good for our health but also can actually help clean the air in our homes. I love using essential oil diffusers in my home and personally, I feel like they are also cozy and inviting. I love that I can actually support the health of my family while making my home smell good! There are so many fun diffusers on the market, some with flickering effects, just like a candle. Some of my favorite scents to use are lavender, orange, and frankincense together, or just using Germ Fighter (or Thieves) which smells like a holiday candle to me! In my bedroom, I love using lavender, of course, but also Clary Sage - both smell amazing and help to induce deep, restful sleep. 

I’ve also recently learned about a few candle companies that are making safe candles from 100% beeswax (which actually cleans the air in your home by emitting negative ions) or another clean vegetable oil source, and scented purely with essential oils. I haven’t personally tried any of these yet, but I have my eye on a couple made by Fontana Candle Company that I want to try for the fall/holiday season. 

Laundry Detergent and Cleaning Products 

The last less-toxic swap I want to talk about today is laundry detergent and cleaning products. Laundry detergent is one of the first swaps I recommend to my clients because #1 - it’s a super easy switch and #2 - your clothes/sheets/towels are touching your body all day/every day. Most regular laundry detergents are full of chemicals like SLS, dioxane, ethoxylates, formaldehyde, and of course - synthetic fragrances. As we just talked about, these chemicals cause very serious concerns for things like endocrine disruption, reproductive issues, respiratory/skin irritation, and even cancer. Our skin is our biggest organ and our clothes sit on our skin all day long. So while many of us may love the lasting scents that may come from our favorite detergents, fragrance softeners, or scent boosters, we have to remember that all of those chemicals are sinking into our skin and into our bloodstream. It’s not worth it! 

Especially when there are so many less-toxic ingredients on the market. My favorite laundry detergent is currently the Thrive Market brand unscented powder (all ingredients score an A or B on EWG). I’ve been using it for probably close to a year and have zero complaints about it. It’s affordable, easy to use, and I just add a couple of drops of essential oils to the bag if I want it to be scented. I’ve also heard great things about the Molly Suds Laundry Powders (also scores an A on EWG) though I haven’t tried it myself. 

The same concerns are true for household cleaners as well. Though those usually don’t touch our skin regularly, we breathe them in while using them and the chemicals emitted from them pollute the air in our homes. Did you know that it’s estimated that the air in our homes is at least 2-5 times more toxic than the air outside? Think about that - with all the air quality issues we worry about polluting the environment outside, inside of our homes is typically worse! 

Branch Basics is a wonderful brand of cleaners (they also have laundry products) and they are an amazing resource for education about toxins in our products and the effects they can have on our health. Again, the Thrive brand has safe options, and personally, I’m a big fan of making my own cleaners. Mainly because it’s the most affordable option for us, and right now I’m in a season where I have the time to do it - not that it takes much time at all. I actually use @alittlelesstoxic’s recipe to make most of my cleaning products. I will link to those in the notes but they are very easy to find on her Instagram feed as well. There are many other clean, safe brands of cleaners out there as well but just be careful about actually looking at the ingredients. Just because something is marketed as being “all-natural” or “green” doesn’t mean it’s actually made with safe ingredients - a lot of that is just marketing. The EWG is my favorite resource for looking up ingredients - simply type in the name of the ingredient and then the word “EWG” into the google search and it should come right - usually the first or second search results listing. 

So those are a few of my favorite less-toxic swaps that I feel have made a huge impact on the health of our family and the air quality of our home. I hope this has been helpful for you and maybe gave you some things to think about. Again, remember the point here isn’t to freak you out or make you panic, but I do want you to be informed about the concerns associated with these toxic ingredients as well as the better, safer choices on the market.

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