Health Update + What's Next for Health Forward

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Hi friends! This is episode 62 and this week, I’m just sharing a quick personal health update with you as well as what you can expect for the next several weeks from Health Forward. This is an untraditional episode but as I support you in your health journey, I also want to be transparent in sharing mine with you as well.


The rest of this summer is going to be a little different around here and I wanted to share a little of what is going on behind the scenes, rather than just disappearing for a month and you wondering what was going on. 

As I’ve mentioned a couple of times now, I started having symptoms of what I call an “endo flare” last fall and after seeing my dr and fertility specialist, both confirmed that it’s time for another excision surgery. That is coming up at the end of next week. So obviously, I’m not thrilled but I’m ready to get it over with and hopefully get back to feeling like myself again. (for more of my endo journey, listen to episode 31 and episode 61). 

That being said, it’s not a super fun recovery and based on my last couple surgeries, I’m not going to really feel back to normal for at least a few weeks - so there won’t be any new podcast episodes again until mid-August.

I am planning to document/share some of my recovery process because I feel that could be helpful for any of you who are also dealing with endo or having surgery soon (of any kind). I plan to share what I’m doing to assist my body in healing and managing symptoms/inflammation after I’ve recovered a bit.

With all of that said, I am really excited for the fall. Episodes will start back in mid-August and I have some guest interviews lined up that I can’t wait for you guys to hear. I think you will really enjoy them and find them so helpful. I will also be taking on a handful of new clients in the fall and may have a few fun surprises brewing as well. 

So, I hope that you enjoy the rest of your summer. I appreciate your well-wishes and prayers, and can’t wait to talk to you again soon! 

Keep moving forward, friends. Go love your people well, and I’ll talk to you soon!


How I Supported My Body through Surgery


What I've Learned about Body Image and Chronic Disease